We build an independent and warm classroom environment. We provide daily structure with soft transition periods that allow our students to feel safe and powerful (“I know what we do next”). We want our students to have as much control as possible over their own interests, the areas in the classroom, and to discover new things when they are in a sensitive period.
We take each individual child in their own speed from simple to complex, from easy to difficult. We view our students as scientists. We always ask more questions to stimulate their cognitive process and create a bigger and greater understanding.

Starting our day.
A day at Wurzelkinder starts with an open play period, where all areas of the classroom are open. We work on our academic skills, social-emotional development through pretend-play and active listening, drawings, sensory play, dramatic play, watercolor, molding with clay, or reading books.

Morning meeting.
When everyone has arrived, we meet for a daily “Morgenkreis” (morning meeting) to start with singing a song, setting up our calendar, discussing the day and plans for the week. Children love to share their stories and this time helps us learn to understand different perspectives, be respectful of someone’s opinion, take turns, and listen. We sing, dance, and do stretches together. The children reflect on how they’re feeling that day and share stories with each other. Morning meeting is also a chance to prepare for the day by looking at the schedule, brainstorming, voting, asking questions, and discussing classroom dynamics.

Snack time.
Snack time is celebrated family-style. Eating family-style meals and snacks is recognized as a best practice in child care settings. We prepare and share a meal together. We encourage your child to serve food and water to themselves. Children are allowed to choose how much of each food they serve themselves, or if they will take any of the food at all. This teaches children to self-regulate portion sizes according to their level of hunger, while also enhancing their development of motor, language, and social skills. It is also a great opportunity to learn about food and how it grows.
Snack time is our extended morning circle time, with more time for discussions, fun questions, real conversations, learning patience and respect (pouring water, passing around the snack bowl, learning new words).
**Note: due to COVID restrictions parents currently bring in individual snacks.

Outside Play.
We don’t label weather bad or good. We have the right clothes for all circumstances. We go outside every day. Children enjoy and need to experience all types of weather. We love learning in our beautiful backyard, we go for a walk, visit a nearby park, or visit local businesses to learn more about our community.

Lunch and zen moments.
Just like our breakfast, we enjoy having conversations while eating lunch together. We clean up together. After lunch, we transition our place to a calm and relaxing environment. During our zen moments, we read a story together, read books on our mats, or listen to a “Traumreise” (fantasy-story time). The space is cozy and dark, and teachers may help children fall asleep with a hug, a gentle pat on the back, or their favorite Kuscheltier.

Snack & good-bye.
When children are ready to get up, we let them. And as some children are awake, we remind them that others are still relaxing, so we all need to have quiet voices. Children can do some quiet activities together and focus on individual interests. When everyone is up, we share a mindful moment during afternoon snack time and we reflect on how we all feel that day. The children who stay for the afternoon have a special activity, storytime, or room for self-guided learning activities.